The Power of QR Codes in Rescue Missions with Data Engineer Akshay Ridlan | InspiredByDreams

In this compelling podcast, join us as we sit down with the brilliant data engineer, Akshay Ridlan, on a mission that blends technology, compassion, and innovation to make a profound impact on the lives of both our furry friends and those affected by dementia. ๐ŸŒŸ Featured Guest: Akshay Ridlan ๐Ÿ“Š Data Scientist ๐Ÿ• Founder of ๐ŸŒ Creator of Project Chetna ๐Ÿ” Episode Highlights: Discover how Akshay’s organization is revolutionizing the way we rescue stray dogs using cutting-edge technology. provides QR codes that serve as digital identification, streamlining the process of locating and rescuing our four-legged companions. Project Chetna: Dive into the heartwarming initiative of Project Chetna, where QR code-enabled pendants are created for individuals with dementia. Learn how these innovative pendants play a crucial role in quickly locating and rescuing people with dementia if they wander away or get lost. The Technology Behind the Mission: Gain insights into the technological aspects of Akshay’s projects. Understand how data science and QR code technology are harnessed to create efficient, life-saving solutions for both dogs and individuals facing the challenges of dementia. Impact and Success Stories: Hear inspiring stories of successful rescues and reunions made possible through Akshay’s initiatives. Learn about the tangible impact these projects have had on the lives of both pets and individuals, bringing hope and joy to countless families.

Connect with Akshay Ridlan:

Akshayโ€™s Instagram: ย ย /ย akshay_ridlanย ย :

Project Chetna :
