Solo Nomad Girl Shubhra Agarwal living her life unconventionally | InspiredByDreams #47

Shubhra Aggarwal is a solo nomad girl with a mind that never sleeps. Ever since she can remember, she has been coming up with ideas and projects or goals to tackle. The idea of life for her was never just…get a job, find someone, get married, have kids, grow old, die…yaaaawwwnn!!! She has always had unconventional ways of living her life starting from teaching to underprivileged kids from her school days, to painting canvases, climbing mountains and excelling in all kinds of sports or to picking up a job which gives her the flexibility to fulfil her passions. Do watch this inspiring conversation conducted by Inspired By Dreams with her, where she shares her inspirational story.

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Instagram:   / sassyadventurer03